List of Building Materials required for home and Commercial Purpose

A list of building materials is required before you begin your construction project whether it's home, industrial or commercial purpose. the essential construction materials list includes cement, steel, tiles, plumbing pipes, etc. Any material utilized in building construction has got to be selected carefully to make sure safety and long-lasting life of the building. All the building construction materials are available different grades, Sizes, and makes which are used for various purposes in construction supported their functionality and strength. The construction materials list and their uses are listed below. Cement Cement may be a material that sets, hardens, and may bind together all other building materials. the various grades of cement are 53-grade cement, 43-grade cement, PPC cement, PSC cement, etc. of these different grades of cement are manufactured by a variety of brands in India. Some well-known cement brands in India are Maha cement, Birla shakti cement. ...